Good evening, fellow Starlights, I am coming to you after the full moon in Scorpio perfected at 4:47 p.m. PST. I am taking it easy this evening and settling in for a cozy night of reflection and reset. The Scorpio full moon is sitting at 4° opposing the sun in Taurus at 4°. Anyone with planets or luminaries within 10 degrees of this moon will be feeling this deeply, as well as all the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Before I dive into the underworld of this moon, I want to speak about the beginning of Taurus season.
We entered the sign of Taurus on April 19th and the season runs through May 20th. Taurus is the first earth sign in the zodiac, embodying the element of earth and modality of fixed energy. Fixed signs look to stabilize energy. Taurus is embodiment, it’s how we feel in our body, what we enjoy in regards to pleasure, whether that be food, self care rituals like a facial or massage, or simply laying in the grass taking a nap. Taurus is ruled by Venus, our planet of love, values and material possessions. Venus seeks to find how to make ourselves and others happy. Taurus is tenacious and driven, sensory stimulation is the name of the game. The sun on your face, the warmth of a cozy blanket, a cup of freshly brewed coffee, a delicious meal, perhaps someone grazing their hand on your back. This is Taurus.
The first notable moment as we embark on Taurus seasons is the full moon. The Scorpio full moon is opposing the sun in Taurus and making a T-square to Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto is putting pressure on both luminaries, illuminating the conscious and subconscious ideas that perhaps are not supporting us anymore. Yes, this is another deeply cathartic astrological event that is following the themes from the solar eclipse in Aries. This moon is full stop Plutonian themes.
This lunation is ruled by Mars. Quick refresher; Mars is the planet of our physical body and drive forward, our passion, sexual desire, and expression of anger. Mars has been making its way through Pisces. Think of lava flow meeting with water, we get this billowing pillow of steam. Mars is neutral in Pisces. Emotions run deeply with Mars in Pisces. Sometimes allowing our emotion to overrule the drive to push forward. Mar is sextile Jupiter & Uranus who recently met up in the sky that was coined the great conjunction. This energy is supporting the need to release any negative/stagnant energy that is still lingering from the solar eclipse portal.
So who is Scorpio? Scorpio is co-ruled by Mars (traditional ruler) and Pluto (modern ruler) is considered the dark horse of the zodiac. Scorpio embodies the archetypes of passion/drive, power, and transformation at a soul level. Scorpio is the truth seeker, the shadow side, the underworld. Scorpio, a fixed water sign, ruler of the 8th House asks us to go deep into the psyche and excavate the shadow parts of ourselves. Scorpionic people speak of taboo, death/rebirth cycles, truth seeking, deeply attached to soul renewal until there is nothing left to do but transform and rise like the Phoenix.
We are still in the Mercury retrograde communication storm which is coming to an end on 4/25/24. When Mercury stations he stops. Think of a wind clock, you need to put the key in to wind the clock back up. Things may still be clunky through the weekend but we should see some forward movement by next week. THANK GOD!! This retrograde was a doozy and caused so much confusion and chaos for me this go around, I will be happy to have him moving in a forward motion. Post shadow will continue through 5/13/24.
I am really looking forward to some stability in Taurus season, two personal planets will be coming home to their ruling signs. First up Venus, she moves into Taurus on 4/29/24, leveling out the Aries energy that was intense AF. The next day, 4/30/24, Mars will be moving into his ruling sign of Aries, drying off from his watery swim with Pisces. Having two personal planets move into signs that they are at home in their ruling sign is the breath of fresh air we all need.
Notable transits in May:
May 2, 2024- October 3, 2024~Pluto begins his final retrograde back into Capricorn for this final wrap up to close out that 14 year transit.
May 7, 2024- Taurus New Moon
May 15, 2024- Mercury moves into Taurus
So what does one do with all this energy? This moon is sure to pack a punch, I am taking a page from Dr. Michael Lennox and what he encourages all of us to do during a full moon. Here is the mantra.
Get into a comfortable position and put one hand over your heart and one on your belly, take a breath and repeat;
‘I am now ready to release anything and everything known and unknown, conscious (sun) and unconscious (moon) that may inhibit my magnificent unfolding on the planet at this time. I allow this to happen at the level of death and rebirth even if that is scary. And so it is.’
Wishing you all a beautiful full moon release.